Dory Boat Launch at Pacific City

Dory Boat Launch at Pacific City

What is a Dory Boat?

We have been going crabbing and fishing on James’ Dory boat every time we visit the Oregon Coast. What is a Dory boat? According to the Tillamook Coast website, the dory is an open hulled and flat bottomed boat. The dory is first rowed into the surf until it is deep enough to drop the outboard. Across North America, traditional dories have been used to carry heavy load of wet fish without capsizing because of their sturdy design. Dorymen are known to be particularly skilled seamen and usually are the first responders to call of distress at sea.

Dory Boat Launch at Pacific City

James want us to experience something new today – he is going to have his Dory boat launch at Pacific City. Pacific City is a beach town located beneath a large headland of Cape Kiwanda. This sandstone headland offers one of the best viewpoints on the coast for witnessing the ocean’s power. Chief Kiwanda Rock is another iconic feature that juts out of the ocean further away. James is a member of the Pacific City Dorymen’s Association (PCDA), an active nonprofit in Oregon’s coastal community. Members launch their dories on the beach here so there is always spectators around. Shane and I are very excited to experience this launch first hand at the break of dawn. James hauls the boat as close to the surf as possible. Maureen and I climb on the boat and 3 men in waders push it further out into the water.

Dory boat launch at Pacific City, Oregon
James hauls his Dory boat and launches it at Pacific City, Oregon

Fishing for Salmon

Well…this is the reason why we go out today – fishing for salmon but according to Shane, we go out fishing for nothing! He has been trying for so long to catch a salmon at sea but so far the fishes are elusive. Maureen snags a salmon but it escapes because she doesn’t know how to use the reel. I thought catching fish is easy but guess not. It’s easier and faster to catch a big salmon at Fred Meyer. LOL Poor Shane. He is so frustrate. To add salt to the wound, the boat has a hole and water is gushing in. James is cool about it. He says the dory has a pump and also an opening for water to flow out. Maureen and I aren’t too comfortable to take this risk. Shane just wants to catch a salmon! In the end, James turns the boat around and we heads to shore.

Landing on the Beach

We are told to prepare and hold on tight as the dory is landing on the beach. I don’t know what to expect, a roller coaster experience? James speeds up as we approach and people are watching from the beach. It’s scary and exhilarating at the same time, anticipating an unknown outcome. I am surprise as the dory glides smoothly on the wet beach. That’s it! We didn’t fly off into the sand as I imagined it. I’m pretty dramatic this way. 😛 I suppose the landing is smooth because there are hardly any waves today. A unique experience landing on a beach with a Dory boat.

Shane and the Dory boat on the beach
Shane next to the Dory boat on the beach after our landing.

Some day Shane will catch a salmon in the sea. We will just keep on trying. Meanwhile, click HERE to read about the activities we do in Oregon.

Speeding up for landing on the beach.

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