Winters in Spokane
Winters in Spokane, Washington are cold and cloudy with average snowfall of 44 inches (111.76 cm) a year. Temperature could go as low as 27°F (-2.7°C) and lower. According to KHQ News, Spokane ranks No.4 on the list of cities with the most depressing winters. The snowy and icy conditions common in this area during winter mean we need snow tires on our vehicles. Shane usually put his snow tires on by early November before the first snow fall. Winters in Spokane also mean lots of snow shoveling but for kids like our grandsons, that means building igloos and snowmen with their daddy.
Kiel’s Little Adventure in the Snow
We want to do something more exciting during stayovers so Kiel’s little adventure in the snow starts today. There is a little trail near our house that we will hike today. His mommy has packed winter boots, insulated pants, thick jacket, scarf, gloves and hats and not forgetting a big bag full of essentials to keep the boy warm. He is ready and excited. It is so easy to dress up a 4 year old boy when he is eager to go out!
Walk to The Trail
Kiel’s little adventure in the snow begins as soon as he steps outside the house. He knows where to walk to the trail because we had gone there often enough. It’s been snowing lightly as we step out so he needs to taste the snow and makes sure it’s really cold. There are fresh snow piles that grandpa has shoveled earlier this morning that need to be flatten out. Oh wait….he sees steam coming out of the manhole on the street. Ughhh….he can’t lift the plate, it’s too heavy. “Gramma…can you help me?” “No, we can’t do that. Let’s walk on.” There is an excavator machine parked beside the road. We had watched it digging out dirt in front of a house last autumn. Now he gets to go up close and touch it.

The Trail
We finally reach the trail! Kiel…look! Animal paw prints. Could they be deer? Maybe a cougar. Yeah…right. Let’s ask grandpa later. He walks ahead leading the way sometimes falling from a slippery slope and he loves it! The pole marking at the end of the trail is his achievement. On the way back, he collects some sticks and once home, he plants them in our garden. According to him they are “trail markings”. Grandpa says “No!” ha..ha…ha…

Warm and Content
Kiel drinks a warm chocolate milk after we have all his outdoor gear off. He snuggles with grandpa and once warm and content, he decides to play on the floor. We have a blanket over the hardwood floor and he was out within minutes. Perfect ending to Kiel’s little adventure in the snow.
Check out more stories of our fun activities with grandkids.