Sweet Corns Harvest in Otis Orchard
Every year around August, Shane’s track meet colleague Jim McLachlan will announce that their sweet corns are ready for harvest. Jim’s family owns a small sweet corns field in Otis Orchards, Washington. It is like a 20 to 30 minutes drive from our house depending on traffic. Jim’s sweet corns are well known around his circle of friends and neighbors. Everyone will start placing their orders once he makes an announcement on Facebook for the harvesting period. He doesn’t need to sell his harvest to grocery stores because they are often sold out by the end of the season.
Family and Friends Meetup
We are fortunate to be back in Spokane after the wedding in Hoh Rainforest in time for the last few harvests. Harvesting and preparing the sweet corns up for sales are a family affair. There is almost a festive atmosphere at the sales stand. It is like a family and friends meetup place with many people recognizing each other. Shane points out Jim’s grandkids whom he has seen from them being in the track since they were young kids. They and their friends are in charge of sales and collecting money. One of Jim’s granddaughters will call out for her mom to pick the sweet corns out of the cart for each order. The kids get distracted with friends so grandma is around keeping watch. They even have their tractor out in the front for a photo opportunity which I simply can’t resist!

Delicious Sweet Corns
Jim’s sweet corns are delicious and reasonably priced. We bought a few dozens to share with our family and bring some to Oregon soon. We are going to make steamed and grilled sweet corns for the next few days. Delicious sweet corns are such a treat!
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