Easter Egg Hunt 2021
Easter Egg Hunt 2021 is FUN! We have our adopted daughter, Yasmin visiting us from Michigan and this is her first Easter Egg Hunt experience. Aaron is now 2 years old and more aware of games rules. Kiel is the big brother and today he is willing to listen to the adults and helps Aaron.
Boys Start First
The boys start first in today’s Easter Egg Hunt 2021 since they are so much younger than our 18 year old daughter. We have hidden eggs in two sections of the garden; an easy to find eggs for Aaron and a more difficult hiding places for Kiel. They started simultaneously with Kiel running off to pick the first egg he has spotted as soon as he walked into the garden. Shane helps Aaron look for his. Both eggs hunt trails lead back into the house and in our bedroom where boys find a stack of goodies for themselves and their daddy. Then it’s back to the dining table where they put all their eggs out and open each one. Kiel loves the ‘monies’. Aaron is happy just opening the eggs.

Yasmin’s Turn at Eggs Hunting
Now it is Yasmin’s turn at eggs hunting. She knows what to expect after watching the boys earlier. We hid the eggs everywhere, some very easy to find while others take some efforts. Kiel has been told not to touch any eggs he find so he patiently wait for Yasmin to pick them up by standing and staring at them like a sniffer dog! Ha..ha..ha… It is so funny to watch but we are equally proud of his patience and understanding. Yasmin has a great time. We teach her the ‘hot or cold’ game with Kiel guiding her along the way. At the end of the game, Yasmin was led into the sun room where she found a basket of goodies for her. This year Easter Egg Hunt 2021 is definitely a memory keeper.

Click HERE to read last year 2020 boys’ egg hunt in May.