Thank You to Our Donors

Thank You to Our Donors

Happy New Year 2019!

Happy New Year 2019 to our friends, family and supporters! Shane and I would like to make this special post to thank our donors who have supported our work with GIFT Foundation. This new year post is to highlight your donations and supports in our humanitarian work.

Why do we do this? Why do we help the Muslims?

Shane and I get ask these questions a lot especially when Muslim people we meet in our travel find out we are helping their fellow Muslims. Why do we do this? Why do we help the Muslims? No, we are not Muslims, Shane and I are Christians and we help vulnerable societies regardless of religion or race. We are not here in Malaysia to evangelize anyone rather, our mission is to bring relief, hope and guidance through our expertise in order to empower and change lives. We want you to know you are not alone.

Shane asks, “If one of your brothers, sisters or family members were stranded in a foreign country and needed help, would you travel half way around the world and do everything you could to help them? When they reply yes, Shane says “These are my brothers and sisters. We are all family under one God.”

This is Shane’s explanation when someone asks why he is helping Muslim Champa and Rohingya

Thank you to our donors

Shane started helping the homeless in Spokane, Washington with his own money many years ago. After we got married, he wanted to help vulnerable communities in Malaysia too since we fly back here every year. Our first experience working with GIFT Foundation showed we need donations from communities in order to help the refugees and local children. We called out and you answered. Thank you to our donors.

  • Our family and friend from the United States: Ryan and Kasandra (son and daughter-in-law); Jonas Hawk
  • My aunt and uncle from Singapore: Sukhdev and Susie Basram Singh
  • Malaysia: My sister Helen, our new Tai-Chi friends, Vincent, Anna and friends.
  • Grab car driver, Malaysia: Encik Hairil Anwar offers a motorcycle for our use to commute between our rented house and GIFT Foundation. He said, “One good deed deserves another.”
  • Store owner in Klang, Malaysia: Haji Sabbir
  • Tesco Malaysia and Food Aid Malaysia

Most of GIFT local children are back at school so there is respite from everyday classes for them at the foundation. I have been spending more time with my mom and sister’s family while Shane visits the children every day to check on them. A Champa woman is staying at GIFT Foundation temporarily to oversee the household.

Click HERE for more news of our humanitarian work.

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