Thanks to Shane’s consistent efforts calling major grocery stores and food banks, we are finally getting food aid for GIFT Foundation. A truck from Food Aid Foundation came by yesterday. The Food Aid Foundation serves so many communities but they have promised to share whatever leftovers with GIFT Foundation. They give us their official t-shirts to wear whenever we go for food collection at their distribution center.
Tesco Malaysia also responded to food aid for GIFT Foundation. We will be able to collect food once a week and depending on supplies, GIFT Foundation will have breads, pastries, fruits and vegetables.

As mentioned in my previous post, Angel Foundation has been instrumental in supplying fresh vegetables to GIFT Foundation. Both organizations collaborate to distribute the vegetables across the Klang Valley reaching low income populations of Malaysia and refugees communities. Dr. Firdaus rents truck when supplies are too huge to accommodate her truck.

Food Storage Concerns
We have build up quite a hype over getting food aid for GIFT Foundation that more people are encourage to donate. There are logistic concerns we need to tackle.
The 3-door refrigeration unit broke down recently so they cannot store perishables. Vegetables have to go within the next few days. Storage boxes for vegetables are limited and there is lack of control over the animals in the farm. The children tend to leave the door open to the pen so goats get to the vegetables.
Lack of Structure
There is no structure to get this issue organized and solved at the moment of writing. GIFT Foundation is short of fund and cannot afford a new cooler unit. Children are reminded to close the gate when they play inside the farm but there is insufficient supervision. In our opinion, GIFT Foundation needs a full time administrator to take control of the day to day and more volunteers to give structures to the children.
We are maintaining our support to help as much as possible and we hope more local community will lend a helping hand to Dr. Firdaus.