Here are our programs update at GIFT Foundation that Shane and I have developed and implemented for the Champa and Rohingya refugees. We spend many hours working with the children and adults so we have a better understanding of their needs and struggles. We read and ask questions about their histories, cultures and beliefs because they fascinate us.
Our Programs Update:
- Create and manage GIFT Foundation Facebook page
- Developing a professional website for GIFT Foundation
- Solicit for food and clothes donation from big grocery stores and major companies
- Meet with Dr. Susila of UNHCR to get a better understanding of the refugees status in Malaysia and how UNHCR can help GIFT Foundation
- Anger management skill
- Communication skill
- Couple counseling
- Show adults how to positively interact with children through play
- Build trust in children through play
- Teach Rohingya children about being thankful, respect for the property of others and other people.
- Medical assessment with adults and children (stress level)
- First aid for the community
- Teach relaxation techniques
- Exercises program for adults and children
- Look for more volunteers to teach the children on a regular routine base
Detailed explanation of our programs & update
Web Presence:
Create GIFT Foundation Facebook page for social media presence to engage with donors, volunteers and interested parties. Shane and I funded the development of GIFT Foundation website. A professional website is a good representation of GIFT Foundation to introduce our new programs and missions for vulnerable population. It legitimatize donation efforts to communicate the missions to a wider audience locally and internationally. Dr. Firdaus is assembling all the information I need for the website content. Shane already drafts the mission statements and programs.
Food Donation:
Shane successfully solicit Tesco and Food Aid Foundation to start a food donation for GIFT Foundation. Concurrently, Angel Foundation through Kechara Soup Kitchen organizes Selayang Market vegetables suppliers to donate their leftovers every few days.
Champa community helps load and upload vegetables into GIFT Foundation compound for the people in the neighborhood to collect. Dr. Firdaus also drives to low cost flats in Kuala Lumpur and Klang to distribute vegetables to the poor and Rohingya communities.
UNHCR Malaysia:
Shane and I met with Dr Susheela Balasundaram, UNHCR Associate Public Health Officer to discuss children welfare and medical access for refugees. We have a better understanding of the refugees status in Malaysia and how the country is approaching the issue.
Anger Management and Communication Skills:
Shane teaches emotional regulation skills, also known as anger management. He uses role playing and lectures with parents and their children. He also works with Dr. Firdaus’ son who is ADHD and oppositional defiant. He explains to other children about the boy and make them understand not to attack him in retaliation.
Couple Counseling:
Shane provides couple counseling to the Champa community every weekend. Many are in strained relationships due to financial hardship and uncertainties. Words has spread about this service so we get local and Indonesians for counseling too.
Trust and Bonding through Play:
A few children come to the playground opposite our rented house once a week. It is in a better neighborhood in Subang Jaya so the playground is in good condition and safe to use. An intern to Dr. Firdaus and a volunteer usually accompany these children. We show them how to engage with children and create trust through play. Shane creates races and teach them healthy competition without fighting. The children love it! Shane’s back hurts after every game day because the children prefer his attention all the time 🙂
Rohingya Children:
Shane has one on one and group counseling with these children. Dr. Firdaus complains that things are missing in the school and house. Both of them are working with the Rohingya children to help them understand about being thankful, respect for the property of others and other people. Many of the refugees are living on survival instincts. They will take whatever they can because they live in fear of being deported, jailed, beaten by locals and having nothing. Several children are suffering from PTSD from the things they have seen.
Medical Assessment:
Shane teaches Champa adults the importance of taking the right medication, diet and managing stress levels. Many of the adults and children have high blood pressure and difficulty sleeping. The community believes in superstitions and sometimes uses traditional ‘medicinal’ herbs and powders which aggravate their wounds. Shane attends to minor cuts and sprains while Dr. Firdaus sends them to a private clinic for more serious injuries. She has used her own money to pay for medical emergencies because they can’t afford the bills.
Relaxation and Exercise:
Every weekend, we teach Champa community relaxation techniques and breathing exercises. The men will practice on the corridor of the house while I teach the women in a room. We assign a few to lead these exercises so they can practice together when we are away. Shane encourages a young Champa man to lead the adults and children in some physical exercises.
Teacher Volunteers:
There are a few volunteers currently teaching the children English, Mathematics and Science. However, the classes are not regular. GIFT Foundation is in a poor rural area of Klang. Many interested volunteers are in the city and the travelling eventually deter them from coming back.
Below are photos of our programs at GIFT Foundation:

Shane and I are trying to squeeze as much time as possible at GIFT Foundation in order to bring organization and structure to the NGO before we fly back to the United States. It concerns us because Dr. Firdaus has been working alone and she desperately needs more help.