Treasure Hunt with Grandkids

Treasure Hunt with Grandkids
We build up the excitement of a treasure hunt by sending an invite letter. On the Treasure Hunt Day, Kiel listens to grandpa's instructions via my phone and with map in hand, he has to bring his 2 year old brother along. They spend about an hour hunting for treasures and more hours playing with new toys. Game teaches listening skill and patience in a fun way.

Short Sand Beach

Short Sand Beach
We are back in Oregon for Spring Break. Today's activity sees us hiking on a short trail in Oswald West State Park into Short Sand Beach. It is a beautiful secluded beach sheltered by Smugglers Cove and popular with surfers, hikers and beach goers. The beach is edged by volcanic basalt and sandstone cliffs make a very impressive beach to visit.

Birthday at Jurassic Quest

Birthday at Jurassic Quest
Celebrating Aaron's turning two birthday at Jurassic Quest. Aaron is tentative with the life sized dinosaurs while Kiel knows what he wants and runs straight for the dinosaurs rides and inflatables. Little brother wants to join big brother but he can't. Grandpa brings him to the toddlers' corner and he is finally all smile! Happy Birthday, Aaron.

Arcadia Beach State Recreation Site

Arcadia Beach State Recreation Site
Arcadia Beach State Recreation Site is a beach and state park located on the Oregon Coast. The beach stretches between Humbug Point on the north and Hug Point Beach on the south which are accessible during low tides to explore areas usually covered by the ocean. This is an amazing place to explore sea stacks, tide pools and fantastic rock formations.

Dory Boat Launch at Pacific City

Dory Boat Launch at Pacific City
Something we have never done before is to launch a Dory boat from a beach. James is giving us this experience today by hauling his boat as close to the surf as possible from the Pacific City in Oregon. It takes 3 men to push the boat out further into the water and then we are off to try catch salmon. Boat has a hole so we speed back towards the beach!

Sea Sick, But Worth it!

Sea Sick, But Worth it!
It is a foggy day to go out fishing and crabbing because waves are supposed to be low so I'm not going to get sea sick, or so I thought. After casting the crab pots, we hang out near Painted Rock, a big rock formation that juts out off the sea. Check out why it is called Painted Rock. 3 hours in and I am thinking of chumming my breakfast for the fishes!

Bayocean – The Lost Resort Town

Bayocean – The Lost Resort Town
A unique hiking trip to Bayocean. A once popular resort town on the Oregon Coast now reclaimed by the sea. There is little left of what was once envisioned as the Atlantic City of the West. Nature has taken over. The trail we take are filled with blooming yellow scotch broom flowers. We climb on the sand dunes to get down to the beach.

Stayover at Grandparents’ House

Stayover at Grandparents’ House
Stayover at grandparents' house for Kiel means he gets exclusive attention from us. The weather has been good so we have many fun outdoor activities for a 5 year old boy to do. This time the main highlight is riding the big bicycle up and down the street. Then it's more games with grandpa and gramma to his heart's content.
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